Sunday, April 25, 2010


Just a quick post today. My camera died yesterday. One moment it was working and then suddenly it turned off and wouldn't turn back on. We've been thinking about getting an SLR (fancy digital camera) but we weren't planning to get one for a few more months. So now we have a dillema. I'm going to try to borrow a camera from my Mom for a week or two so that we can decide what we're doing about the camera. I'm going to concentrate on digital scrapping for the next little while.

1 comment:

  1. I feel your pain Sandra! I'm sure you know from reading my blog that I purchased a Canon Rebel T1i back in January (sort of a Merry Christmas to ME type present) and I'd highly recommend it. I love it! I compare the pictures I've taken of the girls over the years to the ones I've taken recently with the SLR and they are SO superior now! Hope the borrowed camera works to fill in the gap! I look forward to reading about your adventures camera shopping soon!


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