It's a back to school card. I whipped this puppy up in MDS and then printed it out in layers and cut and glued, and popped up everything. This is the result. Check below for more details on how to make this card. Here's a peek at the inside.
Above you will find the jpegs of my actual MDS projects that I printed out.
The Fun Stuff
-Not From My Digital Studio
1. Paper – Basic Grey and Whisper White cardstock
2. Punches – 1 ¼” and ½” round punches
3. Accessories – Whisper White Satin Ribbon, Bashful Blue Button (retired), Silver Thread, Stampin Dimensionals
- Digitally in My Digital Studio
1. Paper – Riding Hood Red, Basic Grey, Whisper White, and Geometric Patterns DSP
2. Stamp Brush Set – School Days
Gorgeous card!! I love the colors! ...I'm off to add my card to the challenge! Thank You! :o)