Thursday, April 17, 2014

A Little Challenge

So I'm feeling a bit sorry for myself these days.
I've hurt a ligament in my elbow playing ice hockey.
And it's playoffs, so I continued to play with the injury.
And now I've developed tendonitis in my shoulder - and it's very painful.
But what really sucks is that I am unable to papercraft.
I managed to whip up this little page below using a template today.
I had to stay home from work, so I had a bit of time.
I've been in the middle of a blog redesign which I might manage to finish up this long weekend.
But we'll see.
And it's Connor's birthday today, and his party tomorrow.
And I'm feeling sorry for myself.
But I'll get over it.
Anyway, I managed to get this little page done today.  
I used the kit from Mye De Leon and the template shown below
Hope you are having a good day.   Have a great long weekend.

Thanks for stopping by,


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Please leave me comments!!! I love to hear what you have to say!